Saturday, July 20, 2013

It's a small world

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spot the mini Hereford

Plan B  down on the farm is up and running.   For several years we've been breeding Herefords and selling the offspring at the local sale yards. Our sales cheques are pleasing but nothing to have us laughing all the way to the bank.  Remember when you thought you might be in the running for a prize at the end of the school year - and you were handed a small  'best effort' certificate. Well that's us on the way to the bank- better than nothing.

We've been researching farming options that will keep us out of the sales yard. Knowing there are bigger and better farmers producing animals for the dinner plate along with supermarkets with big red fingers intent on sending prices down, down, we searched for ideas that avoided the bar-b-q.

First to arrive in stage 1, was the little bull from northern NSW, then came the 3 girls from Victoria. They all look just like our big cattle only smaller and if you have nothing to compare them with they look like --- a Hereford!
Tony with the blended herd

To fast forward our plans to breed up this comparatively rare breed, we've teamed up with a like minded owner of mini Herefords.   We have a bull and not enough cows, she has cows but no bull - perfect.
And was our little bull happy when he realised he had sole responsibility for a paddock full of girls!!

the harem
We're looking forward to calving, with newborns no bigger than a medium sized dog.  The plan is to build up numbers to supply four legged lawn mowers to small acre farmers like ourselves.

That's the roundup of things growing above the ground.  Meanwhile, below ground, this years garlic crop is in and already sprouting.

 A post script:  Our new venture got a feature in The Land this week, so read all about it there too.
six different varieties of garlic to test